[Infographic] The 5 ingredients of persuasive copywriting
Good reminder, even if you're experienced
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The 5 Ingredients of Persuasive Copywriting
Just as a blueberry muffin will taste bland without a touch of vanilla extract, your sales copy isn’t going to work without the right ingredients.
Ingredient #1: Problem, Goal or Opportunity
People buy for their reasons, not yours. So what’s going to gain their interest? Is it a problem your product or service can solve? A goal you can help them reach? A fantastic opportunity, such as a discount?
Ingredient #2: Features and Benefits
Features are facts about your product or service. Benefits are what those facts mean to your buyer. Always assume buyers are going to see the features and think, “So what?” The answer to that question reveals the meaningful benefits.
Ingredient #3: Differences
You’ll choose one brand of orange juice over another due to its differences, not similarities. What’s different, unique or exclusive about your product or service? Finish this sentence: Unlike the competition, we…
Ingredient #4: Proof
The more believable your sales copy is, the more likely buyers are to trust what you’re saying and respond “Yes” to your call-to-action. So add proof: testimonials, specifics, reviews, etc.
Ingredient #5: Call To Action
Don’t make buyers guess at what they need to do if interested. Give them a clear next step. Also, consider if you need to add oomph to your CTA by creating urgency, adding “reminder benefits”, or another of the many ways to nudge buyers to YES.